Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sleep deprivation.

Well the 'funny side' hit me this morning finally. Might have been the sleep deprivation, though. At any rate, I found myself giggling at the absurdity of it all. Unfortunately the place I my subconscious decided to find it all so amusing was when I was walking past the primary school. So this morning at the bright and early hour of 8:10am a pale, hollow eyed, sleep deprived ginger guy was walking past the primary school with the giggles.

I bet that looked BRILLIANT.

In other news *cough*I'mawelladjustedpersonhonest*cough*, got the final package of books I need for the rest of the year through Amazon this morning. They apparently arrived while I was making an arse of myself. Thus, tomorrow shall be spent rereading Waiting for Godot for the first time in nearly a decade.

Lectures on no sleep are, as you can imagine, interesting experiences. Managed somehow to keep awake through all of them. Post-Modernism and Slaughterhouse Five lecture was interesting. The residual excitement kept me going through the marathon that was Althusser and Ideology.

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