Sunday, 7 March 2010

A Holiday

Well that's what I'm calling this short story I'm working on. It started off as a critique of inter-personal relationships while on holiday, and it's ended up as half that, half corporate satire. I'd like to get to the point where I can write something serious without it having a black-comedic edge. Not that there's anything wrong with making someone giggle while read, it's just a skill I'd like to have.

I also need to get better at character names, James seems to be the name for a lot of my protagonists, and as they usually meet a sticky end, it seems a bit odd that he keeps cropping up in everything I write. Speaking of names, perhaps the female characters also need a name change. I can't write any of Mary's dialogue without putting on an Irish accent, for that, I blame Dara O'Briain. Then of course there's the danger of your characters becoming Mary Sues..

N.B This is not quite as psychotic as it sounds. Honest.

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