Tuesday, 6 October 2009

While I'm writing this

I could be starting one of the two essays that are due. Procrastination is the name of the game of late, why toil on something when there are much more interesting things to do instead. Which leads me onto spontaneity. I used to think I was quite a shy person, well that's been proved quite.. wrong? No I don't think so. But I'm sure I'm more confident these days. Perhaps it was because I was meeting a person that I somehow.. knew I'd get on with irl. That would give one an air of confidence wouldn't it? No matter. I am happy, but still, the mind wanders and ponders on future things, possibilities and such things. Can one know the mind of another, can one take the next step into uncertainty?

The long, long hair has gone. Never to return, people seem to really like the change, and so do I. Bloody cold neck though, perhaps a scarf is in order. With the advent of winter comes the advent of more work, essays and seminars to present. I was looking forward to the essays, until I realised that it's bloody difficult to keep to one single topic in a paragraph, how can one link to other topics without doing so. It's a skill I shall have to master.

Paris was enchanting, couldn't have hoped for a better weekend. Still, fuck Luton Airport.

I think another late night on msn awaits.

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