Thursday, 29 October 2009


I want to do something monumental. Something that defines me, who I am and what I want to be. At the age of 21 most people are setting out into the world, whereas I, the late git that I am, am in my first year of University. As such, I'm pretty much stuck in this town for the next three years.

Talking last night reignited my desire to travel, to set out on the road in a Kerouac fashion, full of existential angst. But that's not going to happen, not properly. The road won't be neverending, the end is always in sight. Perhaps after University I can travel properly, linger in remote places, fashionable cities and medieval alleyways.

Speaking of University, I don't know what to think about it. So far, It's been sadly easy, though of course it'll no doubt change. But I can't shake the fact that I don't belong here. The essays don't flow like they used to, my passion for the written word has disappeared along with my concentration. There are flashes of my old self, like the last sputtering efforts of a lightbulb, but what will I do when it is inevitably extinguished?

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