That was almost poetic. Though this is more stream of consciousness than planned blog. Strange, though I know a few people read this, I know of a few, it's strange insofar as I'm actually typing to no one in particular, more to myself or to the great blogger in general.
Today was strange, I awoke at four am in a cold sweat for no reason I could discern, feeling incredibly ill yet completely awake. Even stranger was the fact that that was the time I have been going to bed for the past few weeks. A massive 'oi' from my body clock, I suppose? Nevertheless, it was rather unpleasant.
Also realised today that I have an essay due in on November the fifth, which is going to add to the already mounting work related stress that I'm under. Oh joy of joys. At least I'll be able to get it done well before deadline and then flee the country to pastures new (ish) for a few days. It shall all be rather epic!
I've basically spent today sitting in a room with sneezing people for seven hours, with an average of a sneeze every four minutes or so (yes, I counted, yes I was bored). So if I hadn't caught anything before, I definitely shall now, knowing how lousy/non-existent my immune system appears to be.
While not being exposed to the common cold, I spent the day immersed in Russian Formalism and Metaphysical poetry. The latter I have covered pretty much to death back at AS level, the former was interesting, though I have a feeling I should really not read so much about the lecture topic before attendance. It rather ruins the joy of learning something new.
Oh well, toodle-pip and all that.
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