Thursday, 8 July 2010

Air hockey,

Air hockey is surprisingly fun. Met up with James around 1.30, him being a few hours late after Harwood overslept, the lazy git. Drunk a lot of coffee and played some long neglected pool. I'm still a flukey bastard. After that, well I managed to successfully decline bowling and instead played some air hockey for the first time. It's pretty fun, certainly requires deft hand-eye coordination, which is not particularly my forté, though I won more games of that than I did pool.

Also bought a few new books as I had a few hours to spare before James got into town. At least that's my excuse. If you're interested, they are:
The old man and the sea
A handful of dust

I'm planning on taking a module in Modernism in the second semester of the coming academic year, so I can sort of excuse the buying of the second text with that. I do think, however, that at the current rate of buying a few books every time I go in to town, I'll soon be broke, so I'd better slow down. However hard I'm going to find that. Don't blame me, they're addictive!

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