Thursday, 29 July 2010

Oh golly gosh

Do you think by starting like that I sound like a massive pretentious arse? I do, you say? Excellent! It's always good to keep in character.

I noticed I hadn't updated this in around 20 days, and that seemed a bit bad considering that when I started this, I had the intention of keeping it fairly updated. Such a gap can't be tolerated. In my defence, nothing that exciting has been going on in my day to day life. I think I've updated you all on the medical 'OH GOD THERE'S SOMETHING PRESSING ON MY EYE' problems that're going to be checked out. I should probably be terrified about that, but it doesn't seem particularly real.

On a more positive note, I'm off to London and the country in just under a week. Exciting stuff!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Air hockey,

Air hockey is surprisingly fun. Met up with James around 1.30, him being a few hours late after Harwood overslept, the lazy git. Drunk a lot of coffee and played some long neglected pool. I'm still a flukey bastard. After that, well I managed to successfully decline bowling and instead played some air hockey for the first time. It's pretty fun, certainly requires deft hand-eye coordination, which is not particularly my forté, though I won more games of that than I did pool.

Also bought a few new books as I had a few hours to spare before James got into town. At least that's my excuse. If you're interested, they are:
The old man and the sea
A handful of dust

I'm planning on taking a module in Modernism in the second semester of the coming academic year, so I can sort of excuse the buying of the second text with that. I do think, however, that at the current rate of buying a few books every time I go in to town, I'll soon be broke, so I'd better slow down. However hard I'm going to find that. Don't blame me, they're addictive!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010


Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of spending around five hours in a terminally hot Hospital in London. Packed to the brim, there wasn't really anywhere to sit down, let alone in any sort of comfort. Still, the air conditioning worked, if you were close enough to it. What was the outcome of this expedition to Moorfields you may ask? Well long story short, with a brief mention of ultrasound scanning of my eyes, it turns out I need a scan to find out why exactly one eye is tilting a way it shouldn't be. Yes, that does have the implication you think it does. I can't pretend I didn't have a few hours where I worried a bit, but I've had so many MRI scans, or other scares in the past that I feel surprisingly pretty relaxed about this. I'm finding it more stressful to sort out the damned appointment than any prospective results.

On a side note, that hospital was featured in the day of the triffids 60's film adaptation.