Last two essays are pretty much done, just editing left now. Literary theory essay I'll be handing in tomorrow, but my history essay'll be edited a tad, then handed in on Tuesday. The lit theory essay, a 2500 word..ish mass of Woolf, Butler's gender theory and Germaine Greer has actually been a fun experience to write, even if it was somewhat frantic. The history essay, however, was a little more frantic. Considering I haven't actually written that many history essays in the course of my rather convoluted schooling, I not only had the subject matter to wrestle with, but the completely different structure. Nevertheless, I got through it, despite the added inconvenience of a mere 1000 word limit. It had the added plus of fitting into revision for that module.
These essays being mainly out of the way, exam revision can get into full steam. I've reread Slaughterhouse Five (so it goes) and made extensive notes on that, and I'm currently rewriting my notes on Eliot, Wordsworth and Keats. History wise, Enlightenment and Renaissance areas I'm pretty confident of my knowledge in, having covered them rather well in my research for the aforementioned paper. English Civil War wise, I have a brief outline, but somewhat shakey in the details, and the same goes for the Reformation.
Completely unrelated, the 1971 SlaughterHouse Five film adaptation, which Vonnegut was rather pleased about, not once had the phrase 'so it goes' uttered. Terrible, right?
Back to the earl grey.
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