Tuesday, 16 February 2010


I suppose I'm writing this because I haven't done so in a while. I like to keep the appearance of activity, one reason being I swore to myself when I started this that I would actually keep this blog active once I started. There's so many dead blogs out there in the ephemeral thing we call the internet that I didn't want to add another to the expanding ranks.

Nothing of note has occurred recently to warrant a new entry, so I'll fill this as I have many other posts, by talking blandly about my day.

Was all right I suppose, watching other people do their presentations shed some light on how to give a better style of presentation next time I come to do one. Apparently my academic skill is fine, but the presentational aspect, showmanship etc, needs some work. Just glad I got mine out of the way last week, I doubt I could have given a decent presentation today when it feels as though my blood has been replaced with lead and someone's been feeding me sedatives.

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