Tuesday, 17 November 2009

I have started

To write again. It's much harder work than I thought it would be. Like quarrying away at a cliff face, in the vague hope that the resulting sculpture will resemble what you want it to.

In other news the cold is really starting to bite. Even with a woollen coat on top of a hoodie I was frozen this morning walking to University. Coupled with a strong, strong desire to have remained in bed, it was not a pleasant morning. The walk home was somewhat nicer, though I suspect it was due to the fact I was on my way home.

I'm not going to lie, University has become a drag. I realised today I have three essays, 2 seminar papers and a presentation to complete in the next month. The untold amounts of stress this will bring down upon me is untold, and I sure as hell don't deal with stress well. I'll get it done, I suppose, though to what standard I don't know. Why did I even do this degree anyway, it's not like I'm going to use it, I'll be co-running a café in Paris for fucks sake, how is that relevant to an English Degree.

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