Sunday, 31 May 2009


I don't see the current expenses scandle to be that much of a big deal, as Stephen Fry said when interviewed, practically everyone that has been in the position to has.. exaggerated their expenses. Why, then, are we up in arms about someone claiming for a bathplug, it's bordering on the ridiculous.

Perhaps it comes down to the fact that we, as a nation, have a distrust of those in power, whether they are from the same background or otherwise, as soon as they are elected into a position of power we instinctively regard them with suspicion. These current headlines, rightly or wrongly, are suddenly claimed as a jusitification of this suspicion, that all those in power are currupt.

This worries me, why? because it is in climates such as this that democracy is most frail.


Andrew said...

I do despise politics.

Andrew said...

Let's start anarchy.