Saturday, 3 January 2009

Well well well.

Israel's going in for a ground offensive on the Gaza strip. Quite foolish, seeing as what Hamas practically excell at is guerilla warfare. Both sides are going to suffer heavy casualties and it's something Israel can't win. They'll most likely be forced to pull out like in their previous offensive against hezbollah in Lebanon. In the meantime, they'll have stirred up more hatred toward them by the collateral damage they'll have caused, and by that i mean their killing of children and civilians, alongside the traumatic damage to infrastructure. It'll be a miracle if this isn't the start of something larger in the middle east, though that is a constant risk. Hopefully the threat of nuclear retaliation will keep things contained. At any rate, aggression should cease immediately.

On another apocalyptic note, it seems Yellowstone is getting more active of late. If it goes off, then we're basically in another Ice Age for a while. A while being 80ish years. So in that respect, if it goes off, most of humanity will die. Ah well, it seems to be quietening down again now, so let us hope that it stays that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol Dan.