Thursday, 20 November 2008

Sleep, or the lack of it.

You will have to excuse any logical errors or mis-spellings as i write this, as you may have guessed by the title of this little scribble i am writing this having slept very little.  To be precise, about 4 and a half hours. The cause of my early awakening? Cats. Yes, those little furry so and sos. Apparently my bed must be very nice to sleep in, judging by the harshness with which i was attacked at nine thirty am. Oh well, no matter, i'm lucid enough, and still extraordinarily happy.

Oil's falling further, strange. Perhaps the lack of demand will finally wean humanity off liquid gold and onto a more environmentally friendly alternative in such a way that the green movement was never able to motivate people through demonstrating the consequences of a fossil fuel based society upon the planet. Humanity, more concerned about financial pressures than whether the planet will survive.


Azura said...

Yay for cats being awesome and waking us up amazingly early. ^_^
Then again, look at it from the point of view that at least you weren't woken up by a fat, smelly hobo asking for a sandwich.
That may not have been quite so pleasant.
*glomp, minus the kill* ♥

Anonymous said...

It's called space meight.