Saturday, 19 December 2009

The end of the year.

Well here we are, at the end of another year. I'm sat here with not much to do, except in the company of a lot of books and video games. You always hope and hope for the work to be over, without actually thinking of what you'll do when it actually is. What is here, however, is snow. Quite a bit of it, perhaps even enough to last for a white christmas? Doubtful, but a nice thought. I mean, I don't even particularly celebrate Christmas, so I don't know what I'm doing wishing for a snowy one. Harking back to some manufactured idyll I suppose, it's all rather Dickensian, except without the crushing poverty.

Saturday, 12 December 2009


Well as the title suggests, I've finally gotten around to playing Bioshock properly now all my assignments are handed in. It's really rather good, the storyline is immense and the action perfectly balanced. As a result, I'm quite looking forward to the sequel, just a few months away. Will give me time to have another run through it, not to mention pick up and play assassin's creed 2.

Speaking of assignments, It's a strange feeling to be free of them. There's no longer a little voice in the back of my head telling me to work, work work. It's brilliant timing, then, that I'm now ill. Though it wouldn't have been that nice to have been ill during my assignments, and there's never a good time to be ill, having my leisure time taken up with being weaker than a newly born kitten isn't exactly how I envisaged spending my Christmas break.

Thursday, 3 December 2009


I'd just like to devote an entire blog entry to saying how utterly ridiculous the French numerical system is once it gets into the nineties. I mean seriously Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf is just vaguely ridiculous.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Yes, essays. I'm writing, or supposed to be writing a lot of them at the moment. I did write two, think they were quite good, then put them to the side. But upon closer inspection, they were a bit crap, so after rewriting one over the course of 10 hours, I'm attacking the other one tomorrow before starting on the final two. Then there's just the question of some history reading to do.. which of course I'm not behind on *cough*