Friday, 28 November 2008


Before the redevelopment of the fields nearby, we enjoyed a veritable wealth of wildlife. Flocks of bats could be seen most evenings, every year marked by when the first cuckoo had been heard and the occaisional hedgehog visiting in the garden. And now? Sightings of bats have been reduced severely, no cuckoos. The only birds now seen are pigeons and the rare blackbird, marked by the terror in the rabbits as they run for the bushes in fright. The morning chorus now starts when the lights go on in the Tesco distribution warehouse at dusk and continue until dawn begins, leading to confused flocks and night time flying. No more hedgehogs, no more mice and shrew caught by the cat on her hunting expeditions.

Why do we, as a society tolerate this. We destroy our landscape in the aid of expanding our ever increasing consumerist culture. Every field we destroy is another habitat lost for countless animals. It has to stop.

::Edit for spelling errors.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Twelve thirty nine am.

Well, as i write this i am sitting browsing 4chan and speaking on teamspeak. Strange way to pass the time. There's a 4-novel edition of Eliot's works beside me, but i'm too tired to read it properly. Oh well, before i go to sleep i shall read a few pages. The more i read victorian literature, the more i love it. The language, the social codes, the environment and the poor dental hygie.. oh wait. Modern life please.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


Woke up to my cat stepping on my nose with a wet paw. I screamed, my mother assumed i'd got up and opened the curtains, so i was rudely further awoken by a stream of conversation from downstairs as to the situation outside.  Yup, it was snowing, stopped by the time i'd got up and it was barely a couple of mm coverage, but it looked pretty. The rabbits seemed to be enjoying it as well, attempting to tunnel into it, despite the lack of depth.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Sleep, or the lack of it.

You will have to excuse any logical errors or mis-spellings as i write this, as you may have guessed by the title of this little scribble i am writing this having slept very little.  To be precise, about 4 and a half hours. The cause of my early awakening? Cats. Yes, those little furry so and sos. Apparently my bed must be very nice to sleep in, judging by the harshness with which i was attacked at nine thirty am. Oh well, no matter, i'm lucid enough, and still extraordinarily happy.

Oil's falling further, strange. Perhaps the lack of demand will finally wean humanity off liquid gold and onto a more environmentally friendly alternative in such a way that the green movement was never able to motivate people through demonstrating the consequences of a fossil fuel based society upon the planet. Humanity, more concerned about financial pressures than whether the planet will survive.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

A thought.

A paranormal event is, by it's very definition, something that is aside from normality. It breaks natural law (for the sake of argument). Therefore a paranormal event, by going outside natural law, makes that law wrong. Therefore, the paranormal cannot break that law, therefore it's not paranormal. QED. Thanks to either Locke or Hume.
Perhaps i will buy Guitar Hero 4, perhaps not. I read in the Times today that videogames are becoming more popular, but at the same time the dark-age puritan organisation mediawatch calls for tighter regulation, as though they are still a minority activity. Oh faux-morality.

I realised i still have 10 months before i go back into education, this coincided with a tremendous sense of despondency on how to spend those 10 months productively. Well excluding video games of course, meaning Halo 3 if i can get Harwood off Guitar Hero. The cause is not looking optimistic, he seems quite enthralled by the attractive lights and sounds.

Travel is one option, though of course my previous attempts have been almost thwarted from exhaustion, and it's always good to save. Back to oblivion.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


New hunting rifle :200$
A complete new wardrobe 150.000$
Sarah Palins face right now: Priceless